Monday, May 14, 2007

NASD Agenda Now Available

Thanks to the reader who pointed out that the agenda is now available on the NASD web site (read it here ).

The General Budget is up for approval:  "This said Budget shall be in the amount of $57,169,908, which is a 6.6%
increase over the current year's budget.  This budget includes an increase in real estate taxes of 1.62 mills, or 4.19%,
which is within the Act 1 of 2006 Index."

The Athletic Budget is also up for approval: "Adopt the Athletic Fund Budget for the 2007-2008 school year, as previously
presented to the Board, and which becomes part of this resolution through reference. This said Budget shall be in the amount of $902, 672.00."

On the New Building Front:  "Acknowledge receipt and approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education
of PlanCon Part D, Project Accounting Based on Estimates, Project #3325 for the New Construction of the Nazareth Middle School."

Two change orders are to be approved for the new Turf Field: "Approve a Change Order to the contract awarded to Grace Industries on the synthetic field project to proceed on a unit price basis ($47.50 per cubic Yard) not to exceed $100, 000.00 with the removal of unsuitable materials discovered during the preparation of the field subgrade." AND "Approve a Change Order to the contract awarded to Grace Industries on the synthetic field project to proceed with the removal and replacement of curb and sidewalk at the high school along Center Street and in front of the gymnasium, for a total cost of $38, 615.00."

And the third readings of the electronic devices and fun balance are included.

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