Monday, May 14, 2007

On the Agenda - NASD Board Meeting Tonight

I had hoped to highlight agenda items for the Board meeting being held tonight, but as of this morning there was no agenda posted.

2007-08 Calendar Revised. A return to normalcy and extension of summer as the start date of school which was a week earlier than Labor Day last year, has been set to the Tuesday after Labor Day for this coming year. August 28 is orientation Day for K, 6th, and 9th grades and September 4th is the first day of school for all students. June 11 is the last day for students. Download a PDF of the Calendar here.

Cell Phone/Electronic Devices Policy. There was a second reading at the last meeting of this policy and I'd imagine there would be a third and final reading this month prior to adoption. If it is being voted on there could be some discussion.

Fund Balance. There was a first reading of the fund balance policy, and again, I'd anticipate a second reading.

MS Building Proposals. The original schedule was to have bids in on the building for May, but given the discussion with the pool, I don't know if this is still the case. It will be interesting to see how close the bids come to the budgeted costs and what will happen if they come in higher than expected.

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