Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sorry for the Lack of Election Coverage

Had every intention of writing for two hours this morning about the election results but when I sat down - no connection. So I checked some settings - nothing, recycled the modem - nothing, rebooted the computer - nothing, checked the firewall - nothing, turned off the firewall - nothing and after tinkering for two hours (before tech support was available) I had to leave for Philadelphia. Got home at 1:30 and was on with technical support until 3:00, when voila! Internet service has been restored.

Glad to know it was them not me, but frustrating to say the least.

Terribly sorry not to have more earlier on the elections, but will get some material up tonight for everyone to read/catch-up on tomorrow.


anonymous said...

just glad to hear you're ok. Was starting to wonder when there was no Wednesday post

RossRN said...

My wife would probably agree I was far from "ok" this morning;-)

Timing of this was real frustrating, but as you say in the larger scheme of things, not the worst by far that could have happened.

