Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Trust, but Verify

I got an email from a reader who wanted to alert others to a door-to-door scam that recently took place.

Many of us are accustomed to students stopping by to raise money for their sports teams, school, scouts, brownies, etc and many people often give a little to each visitor.

Recently a person came to the door of a township resident and claimed to be raising money for a traveling (and renowned) soccer team - the Nazareth Strykers. This team was trying to raise money to travel to an international competition in England by selling magazines. The story was quite elaborate with games on ESPN2, a national title, etc., etc.

The visit was during school hours and the teenager who was selling the magazines said the purchase could be made as a donation to a charitable group who could use them (take your money, get no product).

Following the visit, the individual called the police who acknowledged this starts up every spring and typically if tracked down can be driven away by asking if they have a license/permit to solicit.

The bigger problem and potential danger, is that these are not normally students. Typically, a group of about twenty 16-25 year olds travel together to a new area, stay at a local hotel, spend eight hours peddling magazines for a couple days, then go to the next town. With no address, cash payments for sales, etc., they are 'untraceable'. While most don't have serious criminal offenses, some are runaways and many have minor problems, warrants, etc., that they are avoiding. Some do have more serious criminal pasts and there are stories online that are quite concerning.

While we all like to help out, if you haven't seen the individual before, never heard of the group being supported, or it doesn't sound right, politely decline and inform the police so they can act.

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