Monday, July 23, 2007

To Post, or Not to Post?

Age old questions must be good ones, because they always seem to come back to us in varying forms.

To be, or not to be; to post or not to post?

For those who did read over the weekend, and many seem to simply enjoy getting away from the computer (as I have to admit I pretty much checked out this past weekend in favor of great weather), they are aware that I've been accused of bias against the skateboarders based on my coverage and writing.

After attempting to address these accusations in comments last night and again this morning, I conducted my morning search of articles and found but one, by JD Malone of the Express-Times, titled "Skateboarders on thin ice with some."

Hmmm. To Post, or Not to Post?

Seems to me based on the responses I received from one individual, I can't win no matter what I do or don't do. So that tells me to go ahead, but again, will it look like I'm putting it in someone's face if I run with this? It could.

I've got no childhood mentor's skull to speak with (Alas poor Yorick, I knew him well Horatio, a man of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy, he hath bore me on his back a thousand times - or something like that, I'm sure senior English with Mr. Newman is flooding back to everyone now as it is for me), but I've still got guidance in terms of what I wanted with this site. The point was to share information and give people an opportunity to report on events and activities as well as myself. There is original content and there is reporting on the reporting. Of course there are also comments about all of it.

There were some complaints that I didn't recently cover certain events. To anyone, regardless of the event or activity, if you'd like information posted, email it to me and if it relates to Nazareth I'll post it. If you want to regularly contribute, I'll give you an invite and like Brad you can post whenever you want.

There was also a complaint about my not having a certain event on the community calendar. This calendar is open to all. Anyone can post an event (you do have to have a yahoo! account) and then join the newsovercoffee group. Once your event is created, send the event to the group, and it will be included.

At the end of the day, I wanted a site that allowed people to do things for themself instead of relying on me to do all the work. I had hoped it would grow into a community of contributors. It hasn't gotten that far yet, with most people reading and some sending me ideas or posts on occassion. I appreciate that input as it is helpful. I think as people become even more comfortable with the technology and less fearful of their posts being criticized/flamed, more will join in and provide information about their service organizations events, plans, meetings, etc.

I'm very glad that the library has sent some book reviews my way and if anyone has read anything lately (say, Harry Potter?) don't hesitate to send me a review. I'd love to post as many book reviews as possible. I'm always looking for something else to read, which I guess brings me back to Will S. and his famous words.

I think regardless of the calls of bias, my integrity would be compromised if I let a couple people's comments stop me from making a post about a topic, so here it is, feel free to read JD Malone's article about the skateboarders (you can do so here), comment, and the next time you have a story, been to an event, or read a book, don't forget to write it up and send it along to me.
Have a great week!


justmyopinion said...

as with your billy boy it seems much ado about nothing

for skaters

against skaters

for respect

against bias

blah blah blah

they have a place to skate now, it got locked up for a day, its open now

tagging has found its way to nazzy and we are all a-twitter

seems like a weak newsday

not to be a pollyanna but I personally would have liked to see more on the grand openeing and the rushing throng of skaters who entered the park amidst the ribbon cutting and less press on the power play by bowers who seems to enjoy the control

maybe i will take your suggestion ross and post on things like that

fireworks too

didn't realize it was an option

with the schools shut down for weeks more guess we have to focus on the skaters until some bruhaha over there stirs up

RossRN said...

I hope you do because the point of the site from the beginning was not to be a one person reporter, but instead a place where people could share news and information about events and activities taking place.

This could be a Council or School Board meeting as easily as the Skate Park opening, PTA, or Lions Club.

It is also a place where people can ask questions and benefit from shared knowledge of others in the community. This is why I didn't want it to devolve into what so many forums become, waste lands of flameouts and accusations.

If people are going to post they need to be comfortable. In many ways it is like public speaking and you know how comfortable most people are with that.

You can send me material to post attributed or not, but do include your own information (at least a legitimate email I can reply to).

S H said...

here we go Ross---I am changing the subject.

I filled my tank last night on Airport road for $1.94 a gallon (not a quart, but a gallon!!!)

The gas wars continue (but for how long).

It was sheer pandemonium, but still fun to do!

S H said...

I retract my previous post -
The gas wars have ended (sob).

WAWA didn't have the stomach for it (something about public safety....)

Now if they'd all just lower their prices at the same time....