I received a few emails earlier this week in regard to the Middle School centered on two issues.
I emailed MS Principal Bob Kern on Wednesday, September 12 at 8:42 a.m. to learn more about the inquiries, but have not yet received a response so I'll put it out there and see what people know and think about it. Below are the questions I asked. Maybe these were addressed at the open house or maybe people have more information to help clarify or explain what was brought to me from readers. (note: I also contacted the Bubel Aiken Foundation and received no response from them).
First, I understand that all sixth graders were at an assembly yesterday put on by a parent of a child with disabilities, Mikalya Resh. I know that the Bubel Aiken Foundation sells the book, "My Friend Mikalya", but I couldn't find any reference to a Foundation sponsored program with the same title. Can you explain what this assembly was about/why we had it, the cost to the NASD to put it on if any, and/or any grant money provided by the Foundation to have the program? I ask because one person expressed the personal opinion to me that while the cause may be good and heart goes out to the family, having an assembly to encourage books sales is in poor taste. Another questioned why an assembly like this on 9/11?
Second, I received two emails asking me about the change of the activity period from last to first period of the day. Of the many concerns, a primary one was with students being dismissed for extra-curricular activities it wasn't as big a deal when the activity period was last, but now that it is a regular class it makes a much bigger impact on the student academically. Could you first confirm this change is the case and second could you explain why the change was made and for what benefit?
Obviously there are considerable sensitivities regarding the first topic and I'd ask that any comments focus on the program, costs, options, and timing as opposed to any specific individuals. Thanks and have a great weekend!
Some thoughts:
Two issues with the first topic:
1.According to MS officials, the assembly was given as a form of diversity training. To put a name and a face of an individual on diversity is the exact opposite of diversity training. Diversity does not have a name or a face. Diversity training should be teaching about more than just one example of a disability.
2.The title of the assembly and the banner hung in the hall was the name of the book. Indirectly, this was a book sale. This same book was repeatedly marketed to students in LNES last year. At what point does this become inappropriate?
For the second topic: the explanation for moving activity period (again-- 3 years ago it was moved from 1st to last period) was for structure and to allow activities that used to be after school to be held during school. This allows students who could not participate in after school activities because of transportation issues to now participate during 1st period. Not sure how this will affect the students who used the time during last period to study and finish homework before their extracurricular activities...
Well i think the idea of "My Friend Mikalya" and having a diversity training excercise is a very good idea. BUT, I wonder if the line was crossed. I would only say it was crossed if any proceeds from the book or the assembly did not directly benefit a related cause, such as a foundation.
I had a gripe last year about an assembly that was given to all MS students for Al Gore's Movie on Global Warming, and that the assembly was a political statement and was not balanced. The principle gave me a very "non" answer political response saying that the students were told that it was general infomration about what could happen one day. I spent alot of time re-educating my daughter who was now convinced the end was near, as were her friends. All's well in the end though because my daughter ended up learning that she needs to think for herself, and just because some politician makes a movie about something doesnt make it fact, and in fact should be questioned. I wasnt annoyed that the MS showed the movie, but that they didnt discuss both sides. THe students consider the school as an authority, and because they showed this movie, without any real discussion on the facts and other sides, the students didnt question it.
Anyway, it will be interesting to hear more about the latest assembly.
To address these points I would like to say the following:
Regarding the assembly, I'm wondering if this diversity training will also be offered to the 7th and 8th grade students. According to my 6th grade student, it doesn't sound like the assembly cost anything since the parent of the child and one of the assistant principal's did it. From my student's perspective, the assembly was just about this one child. I would hope that a diversity training would encompass more than one student's differences and instead would focus on the fact that all of us have things that make us who we are and thats what makes the world go round. My child seems to know that someone who doesn't necessarily look/act just like him/her isn't any better or worse than he/she is. Admittedly, my child has been exposed to children with disabilities all through elementary school here in Nazareth, so I believe the assembly for him was more of a reminder than training. A concern I would have is highlighting one specific child to standout more than others. There are many children who have disabilities and I would hope that would be part of any training given.
In regards to activity period being moved from the end of the day, this is what was said at Open House. Teachers had gone to the principal to ask about improving the quality of activity period. It had apparently turned into a "glorified, social, study hall" and teachers wanted to see that changed. By moving it to first thing in the morning, this would help alleviate some of the problems. They are offering about 8 activities on any given letter day in the 6-day cycle, and every other Wednesday during that time, clubs will be offered by teachers and administrators that will let the kids learn about hobbies, activities, etc. Twice during the cycle they will have silent sustained reading, and I'm not sure what happens to activities that are offered on those days or if they will rotate. While I think these are some good ideas for kids to be exposd to, here are my concerns:
I have a 6th and 8th grader. The 8th is the typical 13 y.o., who doesn't go out of the way to join anything and "school is okay, but I'd rather be somewhere else." The 6th grader has always loved school and up until this year, would be extremely upset about missing school for any reason. Now I'm getting, "Why do we have to go to school?" I think this is because for the first hour of the day, nothing is going on. My students need to be engaged in something and not once every other week. We weren't given a ton of info on all the clubs that would be offered or how students would be selected. Also, I do not know if they plan on offering more activtities, but if you do the simple math...8 activities per day divided by 1000+ students??? I'm sure you get my drift. And I personally am telling my students that homework will be done at home, not saved until activity priod the morning it is due. That time can be spent for extra studying or getting help from a teacher, but not for doing homework. And if they are trying to get students more involved in the school and activities, I think more things need to be offered. Also any students participating in sports would result in being pulled out early from an academic class instead of the activity period. Although the new "mosiac" scheduling should prevent the same class being missed all year.
I realize that we are only in the second week of school and that we need time to get things going, so I'm willing to give it a bit more time, but I don't want to live through this "I'm bored and don't want to go to school" attitude for the next 170 days.
As a parent of an LNES student, I am not at all surprised, and more surprised that this was not an all out book sale.
The principal at LNES, Rose Allshouse, allowed presentations and selling of the book at numerous assemblies last year, and even allowed it to happen in individual classrooms. Class time that I thought was meant for learning, not selling a book. I heard about the middle school assemble as well, and even though they may not have called it a book sale, it might as well have been.
Amused and Annon have it correct. If you are going to do diversity education, then it should be done in a way that talks to all walks of life, not just a single individual.
I am quite possitive that there is more than one special needs child in the middle school, and even in the district. Where are the special assemblies for them? Why is this one individual being put above the rest of the kids with special needs, or a differnt religion or race?
From what I understand, from both LN teachers and parents, one person is responsible for the persistent presentations and publicity, and no one in the Nazareth Administration will tell her no.
Your understanding is indeed correct.
I agree with annon. To hear that the school is trying to classify this assembly as "diversity training" is ridiculous. Diversity training is explaining that there are several types of people with several different needs. True diversity training would be about kids with Autism, Down Syndrome, physical disabilities, gifted, athletes, homosexual, heterosexual, not to mention all the different religious differences...I agree with Robyn, this is a mother who is highlighting her child and the district will not tell her no. I in no way am being disrespectful to this child and her mother, I have not walked in her shoes, but to have the district call this diversity training is not fair to the other students with disabilities and their families.
As for the second topic of moving activity period from last period to first period does not make since. The MS administration is claiming that this is what the teachers wanted and yet several teachers have asked students to go to their parents and ask them to request that the activity period be changed back to the last period…..Makes a parent wonder who is being honest!! This said, I strongly disagree with the change. This activity period at the end of the day, was a great opportunity for students to get a start of their homework, see teachers for additional help, and have athletes leave for away games without missing an academic class. (I am sure there were a few students who abused activity period, but they should have been disciplined). To have Mr. Kern explain that he is going to provide clubs during this activity period is crazy. Last time I looked, a school’s MAIN purpose is to EDUCATE our children not entertain them!
from what I have been told this book you are referring to has directly influenced the rise in IEP's in our district which in turn has caused a big increase in our special ed budget
That is good, and glad it may have had that effect.
However, the focus on on ONE child versus all of the rest of the special needs kids.
If you are trying to teach diversity, to put a single face on it is just plain wrong.
To market and sell a book during school hours, regardless if it is during activity period, is just plain wrong.
To allow one parent to call the shots and do whatever they want regardless of the effect on others, is just plain wrong.
I would like to see the facts that back up your statement. I personally don't believe it.
If this is the one and only time this happens, then it is done and over with. However, it history repeats itself, and our children are bombarded with this periodically throughout the year, as they were last year at Lower Nazareth, then I think it should be brought to the district's attention that not all of us agree with them allowing one person to take control of the school and market and sell their book whenever they feel like it.
I agree with Anonymous 4PM
The fact that this mother has been allowed to benefit and showcase one student is wrong. The fact that this has happened repeatedly in the past at LN is wrong and should not continue!
I am tired of this district catering to the noisy few! However, we as the quite majority must speak up and have a louder voice!
We cannot continue to feel strongly about an issue and only talk about it at the bus stops and over cups of coffee. We must go to administration and the school board and let them know that we are not satisfied.
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