Saturday, February 02, 2008

Council Workshop

Many thanks to Becky Butz who bailed me out by sending her notes from the Council Workshop I missed on Thursday.

Members of the newly formed Culture and Arts Commission were in attendance and spoke briefly on their credentials, hopes and goals for Nazareth. A very interesting and diverse group. Fred Daugherty will be the chairman.

Myron Biggar gave an update of the Nazareth Downtown Association (NDA) and requested a phone and internet connection for his office at #134. He will try to have a monthly report available in the future.

Questions were asked on the parking study to be done on Center Street between Broad and Spruce. Nothing has been done as yet, but it will be done in the near future. Residents noted the danger in the parking meter poles that were installed already ie children playing on them, etc.

Hwy Department was directed to have all the poles removed, as well as those from Broad to Whitfield Sts. because of the potential danger.

Ray Orwig commented on possible existing rental properties, that pay taxes, being courted by the boro to rent space at #134 which is tax free. This impacts him and he wondered if this was happening "behind our backs". Some discussion followed, but the original question was not directly addressed.

I (Becky Butz) asked Chief Sinclair about the article in the ET of 1/16/08 regarding community policing. First question - how many calls have you received? Chief - None, but you're on board! He explained how he hopes to get the community involved with the police. (read NOC post)

Councilman Stoudt - Police: reviewing sick-leave policy; one officer leaving (Gabriel), Alan is going to Iraq, and they are requesting background checks on new crossing guards.

Public Property: will have various requests on Monday, need security system at #134 and library, files and police records must be transfered to #134 and be kept under lock and key (lock and key emphasized) with strict entrance requirements.

Fire: Ordinance 725 passed on 11/06 required certain buildings to have key lock-boxes. The committee was looking at, pricing, and how it would be handled. Dennis Huth (zoning) is checking on the number of buildings in the boro that need them and they will coordinate.

Law: New parking to be opened to businesses in the downtown area; 10 spaces at #134 and 8 spaces at #30; requirements and costs explained; create a business district zone going to planning commission; requested the engineer to put the fencing for the dog park out to bid; idea to create a cement worker's memorial on S Main Street where Basics Plus was situated - working with Essroc;; Stockertown donated $2,000 to the skate park.

Economic Development: expressed thanks for all the interest in the Arts and Culture Commission; possible soap-box derby on Prospect St. in April or May

Finance: revenues exceed expenses for 2007! Committee has discussed rental of Council Chambers to the tax collector (this previously was free!)

Ecology: new garbage billing format is almost ready; garbage contract up at end of the year so they're looking into that; library need repairs library director retiring in June

Highway: alot of work being done at #134; the room for the officers to clean their guns is almost done; ceiling material was passed around the Council members; looking to put in lockers and a shower for the officers. Graffiti at Park and throughout the town; what can be done?

Mayor - he and Keith (hwy dept) working on a street sweeping policy; will be on website

Secretary Report--- still some vacancies on commissions

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