I'm guessing there will be more than a few parts as there was quite a bit of information at the meeting on Monday night and it seemed to jump around with long discussions in between, so I'll try to group it as best I can.
Outside the Rec Funds discussion, there was public comment regarding the situation around the HS at the beginning and mostly end of the school day. It was noted that students are unsupervised and there are no police present.
Another person asked if there was any consideration given to a curfew or watch?
Chief Sinclair indicated that he was in the process of creating a block watch program and that he is currently seeking block leaders. Once these leaders are identified then they can grow the program.
Also related to the police department - a motion was approved to purchase six new computers, a color printer, two mobil data terminals (think laptop with padding for rough use to protect the harddrive) for police cars and two portable panasonic stations (docking stations for the terminals in the cars. The purchase amount was approximately $16,000.
The budgeted amount for computers for the police department was $6,500 for the year, but money was available within the budget primarily due to decreased salary expenditure with full time staff leaving and not yet being replaced.
Two part time police officers were hired. As I understood it these individuals have yet to have a certain number of hours of service and as a result must be teamed with another officer until they do.
The Mayor reported there were 44 crimes last month, 17 criminal arrests, 86 citations for traffic violations and 10 accidents.
Police Chief Sinclair indicated that there are a lot of policies being written at this time. There will be a block watch meeting on 4/30.
He also asked that the borough advertise for crossing guards and a motion was made and approved to do so.
topic of HS kids unsupervised outside the school is relative to Shafers PTA mtg last night----
Dr Lesky presented the plans for the district 09/10 year
during the presentation when bell schedules were discussed a teacher brought up the subject of Shafers close proximity to the HS---the proposed bell schedule has Shafer dismissal at 2:10 and the HS dismissal at 2:30---the teacher stated the concern that Elem kids would still be walking home when HS kids are dismissed and driving ---currently the HS dismisses at 2:44---
if we have a problem now definitely an area that needs to be looked into as there are days at Shafer when the busses don't even pull out until 2:20 and then 10 minutes later we would have HS kids driving home
Has anyone ever thought about reversing the dismissal for middle/high school and elementary school? In my former district HS and MS students had a day that ran from 7:35-2:45 and El and Intermediate students went from 9:00-3:30. I know that this would cause some before school care issues for some parents but after school the older children were available to babysit the younger and teenage babysitters were readily available.
In Easton, back when I went through the school system, the HS was always out prior to any other schools.
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