Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Borough Council Business Meeting

The Nazareth Borough Council Business Meeting began at 7:00 p.m. and there were about 20 people in attendance and all Council members were present except Fred Daughterty.

Joe Biernat, President, Nazareth Downtown Association, gave a ten minute overview of how the organization was doing outlining points from a nine page powerpoint handout. He noted the association's connection to the PA Downtown Center and PA Dept. of Community and Economic Development. He also addressed what the NDA has accomplished and its primary "to do's" for the coming months. Following the presentations a few questions were asked in regard to funding and fund raising. It was noted that at this time the budget hasn't been determined, but the NDA would be responsible for getting funds from diverse sources so that no one party would provide more than 1/3 of the monies.

Citizens from the Floor were then recognized:
  • Borough Pool Lifeguards provided information to Council in regard to starting salary in light of the new minimum wage and compared to surrounding municipal pools. The problem from their perspective was that the new employees with higher minimum wage were earning similar salaries to those who had worked for a few years. They noted the need to be certified in 1st aid, CPR and to have a clear understanding of rules and the reasons for them. They also noted they were asked to provide service not only to swimmers but throughout the park while on duty.
  • I asked that Council consider changing southbound South Main Street left lane from left only to left and straight and make the right lane right only as a result of people wanting to go to Mara's Cafe and not being able to move when the right arrow was displayed. (this request from a reader - thanks for pointing it out two months ago - sorry for only getting it out there now).
  • Question regarding the start date for the new police chief. It was noted by Council President Chiavaroli that the candidate who was announced withdrew. The other finalists are being reconsidered and they are moving forward as fast as they can.
  • Concern by an individual whose son was cited for skateboarding on the basketball court at the Borough Park. She questioned the citation, the basis for the citation, and the officer's remark that it was Council's desire to issue the citation. The Mayor noted that her son is given due process and that is where she ought to plead her case. Several other members noted they were not aware of a 'directive' to the police from Council.
  • Question asking why the Borough needs to go outside the current police force to find a new chief. It was answered that none of the current police force applied (my note - I understood that no officer applied because a requirement in the job description that wasn't included in previous ones for this position rendered all our officers ineligible to apply).
End of Public Comment.

Approved Minutes of June Business meeting, treasurer's report, bills, emergency management, ambulance report, and zoning and code enforcement reports.

Economic Development noted success of last movie and concert with 300 attending each and the recreation program has 230 signed up.

Also a motion to approve the Bandshell on August 11 from 3 until 7:30 p.m. b Scott Fitzer and Jeanette Hartzell for a concert and talent show to benefit autism.

Law Committee - Councilman Herbst noted he saw the skateboarders being targeted and harassed at the Park. A conversation ensued in regard to damage attributed to skateboarders in the past at the Park that led to a decision to have Skating allowed at the ice rink (to the left as you enter the Park) and banned elsewhere. Mayor Keller responded being an officer is a tough job. The officer followed the ordinance and we have due process so the individual will get a hearing.

Also at Law Committee:
  • Motion to have a traffic study to add "Children at Play" signs near North Street and Woodside was approved.
  • Motion to approve an ordinance that would allow a Transient Business License was approved.
  • Motion to invite Borough dignitaries and contributors to the opening of the Skate Park on Saturday, July 14, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. for a Ribbon Cutting was approved.
The Monthly Ecology Report was approved and a motion to enter into a joint venture with Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority for computer hardware and software to be used for billing purposes was approved. Prior to approval Councilwoman Werner questions the "joint purchase" aspect. It was noted that the purchase would be approved separately as the cost was not yet known.

Public Property had several items including the most heated of the night, the discussion on the installation of light standards at 134 South Main Street (new Borough Building). Councilman Kopach questioned the amount of money budgeted for the transition and was told it was $20,000. The lights cost $9,873.00. To date, exclusive of the lights, approximately $19,800 (I missed the exact figure) has been spent. Councilman Stoudt implored his fellow Councilmembers not to be cheap and do the wrong thing. Councilman Herbst said they needed to be fiscally responsible. Council President Chiavaroli noted that Councilman Daugherty knew he would be unable to attend that evening and sent an email that noted he believed the combination of floodlights on the back of the building plus lights hung from existing poles would meet their needs (Daugherty had been presented in the Express-Times article as arguing against the floodlights and in a separate conversation since Thursday he expressed the same opinion to me as was stated in his email). Having said that a vote was taken that required a Roll Call. Samus, Bowers, Stoudt, and Matz voted in favor with Werner, Herbst, Kopach and Chiavaroli against. Mayor Keller broke the tie by voting in favor of the purchase.

Other Public Property items:
  • Approved use of the Park on September 9 for Martin Guitar's company picnic.
  • Approved payment to Bi-State construction for completion of the roof over the bandshell.
  • Approved payment to Anchor fence for fencing and installation at the Skate Park.
  • Approved use of the Circle on Saturday evening, July 7 for a ceremony by Insomniak Theatre prior to their performance at the Park.
Police Committee had three items:
  • Approved a Parade from the Circle to the Park by Insomniak Theatre on July 7.
  • Approved a resolution for special parking infront of the new Borough Building.
  • Approved a parking ordinance changing parking infront of the old Borough Building.
The Highway report was approved as was the sale of the Borough's loader for $11,900 via a high bid on e-bay (the purchaser was from Ohio). Also approved sending a letter of appreciation to Scout Troop 78 for their public service in placing stickers on storm drains. Finally there was a motion regarding meter changes at the old and new borough buildings (removing meters from old and adding to the new in the aforementioned parking zones).

The Fire Committee made a motion to purchase a 55 foot pole from Met-Ed not to exceed $3900 for use with the Mass Alerting System. There was also a motion approved to seek bidgs for a new radio system for the Vigilance Hose Fire Company (radios in the firetrucks - about 6 or 7 total plus a base station).

Finance Committee requested that any committee with Capital funds requests submit them asap for planning.

The Mayor provided the police report and noted there were 68 reports. (I spoke with him afterward about getting some information on ones that may be of particular interest to residents - robberies, vandalism, drugs by getting cross streets and violation and we'll see what can be done especially once a new Chief is in place).

The Mayor also read parts of a letter from a former resident who left Nazareth in 1965, now resides in Florida and visited not too long ago. The letter spoke of the special quality Nazareth holds and his remembrances. So touched was this individual that he said he planned on regularly returning and provided a check for $1000 to be donated to the Library or another local group that could use the money.

There was no Solicitor's report or Engineer's report, but one resident did question when the engineer said there would be none the status of the sewer project on E. Prospect Street. It was noted that bids were to be out by the end of summer and if they were good and money was available they would begin work in the fall. It was then noted that the project was expected to cost $300,000 and the grant was for $113,000 and it was received after last year's budget was approved so there was no local money this year, but they had until 2009 to spend the grant money so the project most likely wouldn't take place this year.

There was an Executive Session for Personnel Matters and a thank you was read by Council President Chiavaroli from the Grace Bible Fellowship Church prior to adjournment.

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