Monday, July 02, 2007

Do You Kazoo?

Nazareth's Third Annual Kazoo Parade will kick off Fourth of July Festivities.

JD Malone of the Express-Times has an article (read it here) and the Morning Call an announcement (view it here) regarding the event.

Malone reports the parade route: "starts 10 a.m. in front of Nazareth Area High School, proceeds to Belvidere Street, hums its way to Main Street and winds through the circle to arrive at borough hall around 10:45 a.m."

And also that "the marchers will rest while the Nazareth Area Band plays, a Ben Franklin impersonator -- the official master of ceremonies -- entertains and a special speaker yet to be announced gives a rousing Independence Day speech."

If you want to participate in the parade Lafayette Ambassador Bank will provide free kazoos, meet at the school before the start.

Following the ceremonies, the Chamber of Commerce will have a picnic at the park. The all you can eat pig roast costs $10 for adults and $5 for kids under 5 and will be at the main pavilion.

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