Thursday, June 15, 2006

New Government Center Citizen's Group Formed

The "Nazareth Citizen's Action Committee" was recently formed as a result of the Borough Council plan to build 10,000 square feet onto the existing Council Chambers and sell the current facility on Belvidere Street.

Read about the proposal.
Read comments by council.

The Committee plans to distribute flyers and will be running an advertisement in The Key.

Another advertisement, a half page, ran this week in the Key by "Committee of Concerned Citizens to Challenge Unnecessary Tax Increases and Preserve Our Downtown History".

I look forward to seeing how this initiative develops and I hope while passion flares cool heads on all sides will prevail and the right thing will be done for the community.


Bernie O'Hare said...

Ross, I try to keep my big nose out of what goes on in Nazareth. I have enough enemies.

But I've been giving the Naz Gov't Center a lot of thought over the past few weeks and I'm troubled. Borough officials may need to relocate. But it bothers me they would choose to relocate to a field used by so many kids.

That little park is much more than a baseball field for organized baseball. While organized teams have a game going, neighborhood kids can have another hgame going at the opposite end of the field. They use the area under consideration for football, lacrosse, baseball, freeze tag, pickel, and other games I don't yet understand.

The kids who do this learn important lessons about working together, physical fitnmess, and enjoyt a nice easy cameraderie.

I iknow these kids. There's Billy, Doug, Shane, Blaine, Brian, Vinnie, and a host of others. They befriended my grandson and taught him how to play ball.

A lot of dads and moms come there to play w/ their kids or bring drinks.

I hate to see something like this, which is pricelss, taken away from these kids. What will these kids do w/o such an outlet?

I think borough officials should really consider looking elsewhere. There are other places available that won't hurt our children.

Anonymous said...

Al Smith said,
The argument for the citizens of Nazareth is not just to save the park for the children; that’s a no brainier. The issue is why build a new municipal building at all? The building on 30 Belvidere has the best location in town for its purpose. It has plenty of available square footage (it has around 6,000 square feet and several large rooms are not being used). The building has one glaring issue; it has not been maintained. There will need to be work done to the old structure. New windows, a lot of paint, possibly a handicap accessible system developed (elevator or stair seat), upgrade on HVAC, possibly a new bathroom, and there are a few more issues, however, the total to repair the old structure is not even close to the three million Council wants for the new building, in fact it is a fraction of the cost. As a side point; why should Council be entrusted with a new building when it has not taken care of the old? I don’t have much faith in government typically and this issue has challenged the few strands of trust I gave it. Fix Belvidere and end the nightmare.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ross for your continued coverage of this. Our flyer distribution is almost completed. On our path, we meet many people that are strongly opposed to the government center. I hope that people will come out and show their support. And as you mentioned, we should all keep our heads cool and our thoughts clear.