Monday, April 30, 2007

School Board Race in Bushkill

JD Malone of the Express-Times has an article today (read it here) regarding the School Board race in Bushkill Township, which features three individuals vying for two positions.

Current Director Angela Callie is not running for re-election, but Director Ken Butz is and will be joined by Lorin Bradley and Chad Cornell.

All three are cross filed, so if the same two are at the top two on each ticket there will be no race in the fall.

CORRECTION: Thanks to those who pointed this out, Lorin Bradley is not cross-filed, he is only on the Republican ticket, both Butz and Cornell are. Thanks to those who pointed this out.


Anonymous said...

not all three are cross-filed. lorin bradley is running only as a republican.

Anonymous said...

According to the article in the Expres Times - only Chad Cornell and Ken Butz have cross-filed.
Just to give you my opinion, Mr. Butz has done a great job on the school board - he is our "watch-dog" on keeping elementary class size at the recommended level! Chad Cornell, has been a VERY involved PTA member (I don't think he's missed a meeting in 3 years!) and has organized an extremely effective fundraiser (Walk-a-thon) the past few years, organized our school clean-up and generally provides a "voice of reason" during PTA discussions. Don't forget to vote in the primary!

Anonymous said...

I like Ken as an educator and he seems like a real nice person, but its apparent by his voting record that he (and many other board members) have no financial backgrounds and cannot see clear solutions to the future deficit problems they are creating. Nothing against Ken, but I'd like to see somebody on the board who still has a mortgage to pay and does not have a guaranteed pension in place for the rest of their lives.

RossRN said...

Thanks for the correction, I'll note it on the main post - mondays!

Anonymous said...

Does Mr. Butz still keep his train collection on NASD property?

Anonymous said...

It is very easy to make a decision here. Ken Butz is Lesky's buddy and pal. I would wager the missus, kids, ranch, dogs and truck that he carries Lesky's water on every issue. He stated he spoke to several people about the pool, well talking to the missus and the children doesn't count. Ken promised me he was going to watch the back of the tax payers when he ran for office. Obviously that was not the case. He needs to be removed from office. And yes, his train collection is on NASD property.

Anonymous said...

Well I have a huge problem with those trains being there. There is little educational value in them. In fact, I have seen more kids get hurt falling off of them at soccer practices than anything.

I know, tell the kids to stay off of the trains ... but that is like putting a naked lady at midfield and telling the dads not to look.

Butz should go and the trains, too.

Anonymous said...

This site is getting as bad as a tabloid. If you can't say anything constructive, PLEASE KEEP QUIET

Anonymous said...

That would depend on what you consider constructive. I totally agree with previous posts that Butz is a yesman for the wants and wimsies of the NASD administration. He has shown no consideration for the "average" citizen who cannot afford the tax increases that will continue to occur if we allow freespenders on the school board.

RossRN said...

Not to argue with being constructive, but there probably is a worthwhile discussion in the value of the train.

For those unfamiliar, this is a real train, not a scale version, and it was brought in during the time Mr. Butz was principal of Bushkill.

I don't know many more details in terms of cost, maintenance, or value.

Butz and Lesky are both long-time NASD employees and administrators and now Butz is a Board member who does draw a pension based on his service to the District.

I don't want the Board race to devolve into a debate over the train, but if people would like to discuss its merit, I'd be happy to make a separate post on it.

Let me know.

Anonymous said...

it seems to me that there are a lot of angry people who don't discuss issues, but rather focus on people and personalities.

I would also point out there are never just two sides to an issue, but that the truth falls in the complicated middle. WE as community members have the responsiblity to seek out the truth in the complicated middle and understand the broader issues and not just focus on just a single issue. - The anger that some people want to vent for whatever personal reasons tends to shift the focus away from what is important.

When we choose an elected official - lets make sure we have someone who will represent us on just more than one issue. Of course budget is a signficant issue, but if you attend the board meetings there are a lot of reports that get read - not just the financial report, so keep in mind. We need people on the board that have views that can look over all the issues, and not just a single issue, or our children needs may be forgetten in the debate.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:17.

As my 8:35 post states, I have nothing personal against Ken, I just think the absolute most important thing a school board member must be held accountable for is the budget. Evidently Ken polled some residents about future spending (i.e., pool, new school, track, etc.) but yet the board (including Ken) were unwilling to put anything to a public referendum to confirm the public's interest. I just think that a few of these extremely large financial issues should be put to referendum and not left to a few individuals. It's crazy that we live in a democratic society that requires us to vote someone into a position that ultimately gives them a position of monarchy. What ever happened to checks and balances.

Anonymous said...

There is a system of checks and balances, it is called an election, and as many complaints as there are about the school board, it is sad that more people didn't run. The way a democracy works is we elect people who are competent to study the facts, look at all the sides and make informed decisions. Most people don't have the time or interest to attend all of the meetings to make an informed decision. Many people only catch bits and pieces of information and are not really informed enough to make a educated decision on all topics. Public referendums may be good on large decisions but not on all decisions.

Anonymous said...

An election does no good when the bids are due next month. It is apparent that the new school and pool and rubber track and synthetic athletic complex and...will all be under construction before the next election takes place. So tell me again how the next election changes anything related to the ballooning NASD budget.

I never stated I wanted a public referendum on all decisions, but a $40+ million dollar school...we the people should have had a vote and not merely "discussions" with board members.

Anonymous said...

check the Referendum Handbook and then Hempfeild School Dst vs Election Board of Lancaster County and you will see why a Binding referendum would not be feasible. Then you may be more informed.

Maybe Ken did just what he said he did and tried to get as much public opinion as possible where he could. The Board held meetings, and then made a long range decision for the district that will effect families long after they are out of office and long after we have retired and moved away. Isn't that what we elected them to do?

Anonymous said...

Obviously you're familiar with the Referendum Handbook. Maybe you could provide a link for the Hempfeild School Dst vs Election Board of Lancaster County. If there is no link, please elaborate on the situation that occurred.

Anonymous said...

I simply went to -- key word searched Referendum -- and the the Dept of Commty and Economic websit sent me to the Handbook. -- in the handbook I found the reference to the site-- and then got to: --- scroll down to the note and you will reference about county board of election placing restrictions on binding referendums.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have genuine interest in the future of the school district and I am concerned about the shenanigans going on within the board. I believe fresh faces and new opinions of new school board members would do a world of good and maybe put a stop to Dr. Lesky and his out of control spending. We need a "Ron Angle" to keep the board honest! How can an interested person get on the ballot?