Monday, May 14, 2007

NASD Board Meeting 5/14 Meeting Notes

This is my first "post" to the site, so hopefully it looks okay.

I. Meeting tonight started shortly after 7:30 PM. Mr. Audenried, Mr. Hensley and Dr. Marino were absent.

II. No correspondence

III. Area Updates
B1. Educational Program Report - NASD is near the end of the 10 year cycle for Middle States Accreditation. This is the 8th year and NASD will do a self study and then be audited/visited by MSA for district accreditation.
B2. Curriculum and Instruction - There was a meeting today (5/14) and FTK was discussed. Next meeting June 18th.
B3. Technology Report - Reported that $250K/year has been spent for hardware replacement over the last 5 years.
B4. Career Institute of Technology - Mr. Heller reported that there was an appreciation dinner for employers of the co-op students. The co-op program gets "kids" exposed to their career path fields such as beautician, electrical, automotive, etc. Fifty-seven students celebrated. Mr. Heller reported that NASD has the most successful LV co-op in CIT. He said "you talk about no child left behind, we'll these kids aren't getting left behind". He was "extremely proud" of the students.

IV. Educational Program Considerations - All items found on the agenda will be considered at the next meeting (5/21)

V. Financial Board Considerations - The athletic budget and highlights of the past season was presented by Athletic Director, Mr. Holland. There was some discussion about adding an additional asst. track coach for next season. It was also mentioned that the transportation portion of next years athletic budget shows an increase because NASD will be without a track and one (two?) practice fields. Therefore, student athletes will have to be bussed to other fields and tracks. Additionally, it was stated that insurance was increasing $1,000 due to the addition of lacrosse. Finally, lacrosse will be a club sport for both boys and girls next year. However, in 2008-09, PIAA will recognize lacrosse as a sport (with league play) for boys. All items from the agenda are to be considered at the next meeting (5/21).

VI. Personnel - Next meeting (5/21)

VII. Facilities and Operations - Mr. Butz gave the Buildings & Grounds report. At the last meeting the new 7-8 building was discussed. D'Huy Engineering has recommended that the grey water return system ("first flush") be removed (not implemented) in the new building. B&G wanted to make sure that NASD could still certify the building at the "silver" level for green construction if that system was removed. It can and will. Removing the grey water return system will result in a $300K deduct.

It was also reported from D'Huy Engineering that there are 35 school building projects in Eastern PA. This will undoubtedly affect bids/schedules/etc. (I should have followed up on this topic - I'll try at the next meeting).

VIII. Facilities & Ops - Several items as previously mentioned by Ross. Notable items included:
A. MS secure entrance $10K; HS Art Room Clay Traps $13K; HS Room 408/410 modifications $25K; HS old band room heat/ventilation installation $25K/
C. Change order to Grace Industries on the turf field project not to exceed $100K
D. Change order to Grace Industries on the turf field project (for curb & sidewalk at the HS along Center St and in front of the gym) for $38.6K

All these items were passed with only Mr. Maher voting "NO" on items A and C.

X. Superintendent's Report - Nothing formal at this time. Elementary enrollments for next year (at this time) were handed out. Dr. Lesky has recommended adding an additional teacher at SES for KG. This will bring the class size down to 18-19 per class. The other class they are still watching carefully is the 5th grade at BES.

XII. Community Corner
Bushkill PTA president (?) and another community member (LNES PTA president?) asked about special class sizes. Dr. Lesky said that this was being discussed.
Mr. Scott Hartner asked whether the board/admin had looked into the pictures on the elementary websites and his concern that they could be easily downloaded. He also asked about whether a fence for the SES playground had been considered/discussed. Both items were being addressed/considered.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45.


RossRN said...

Was there any explanation why the artificial turf field project had a change order of $38,600 to replace the sidewalks on East Center Street infront of the HS and Gym?

Doesn't seem this should be a part of that project.

Brad Moulton said...


No explanation on that one. I agree, it does seem kind of weird to have the sidewalk/curb replaced in from the the HS and gym and lump it under the turf field project.

The $100K change order was discussed a bit more. Apparently, there was top soil under the clay layer that had to be removed. Six (6) feet deep in some sections!

Dilly Dally said...

Just to update you. Jen is the Lower Nazareth School Board Delegate and I am the delegate from Bushkill.

Brad Moulton said...


Thanks for the update! I'll introduce myself at the next meeting :)