Monday, July 10, 2006

More on the Possible Teachers' Strike

On July 6th, 2006 I posted, "Did you here the one about..." (read it here) regarding the possible Nazareth Teachers' Strike. The idea was to post select rumors and let people comment in an attempt to bring the discussion to the open and get the facts, if any, on display.

Well, it may not offer much additional light, but on July 8th, 2006, Courtney Lomax wrote in the Express-Times, "Nazareth Areas Contract Expiring" (read the article).

There is not much to report as neither side will comment, but with talks taking place since January and no movement toward a contract its not looking too good that school will start on time.

Personally, if they don't start until the Tuesday after Labor Day I wouldn't mind at all, but I'd really rather not see a strike at all. It is time for all of the parties involved to get serious and work things through.

Any insight available from those reading? What issues are holding this up? Why can't the parties come to an agreement? What have you heard?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was a Nazareth teacher's strike when my kids were in school. I don't remember the year but it was quite a few years ago. It didn't get ugly but it did last awhile.